Seasonal Influenza Disease Burden Estimator

Your country

Choose your country from the drop-down menu above.   

Your flu season

Choose which influenza season you would like to analyze.   

Your Country's Population

Type in your country’s population size (you may also use the population of a city or other geographic area).

Do you want to enter data for influenza-related hospitalizations, deaths, or both?

To continue using the tool, you will need to enter influenza-related hospitalizations and/or deaths by age group. Many countries obtain these numbers through national influenza surveillance systems and report them to WHO. If you do not know your country’s numbers, you can check if they have been reported to WHO or enter your own estimates (see more on how to do this in the next step).

How many influenza-related hospitalizations occur in your population by age group?

Please provide your estimated number of influenza-related hospitalizations by age group. All age groups must be filled in.

If you do not know your country’s hospitalization numbers, you can check if they have been reported to the WHO Global Influenza Programme or the WHO FluID platform. You may also enter your own estimates (see FAQs for more suggestions).  

Do you think your population’s influenza-related hospitalized case estimates are under-estimates?

National surveillance systems may not fully detect all influenza-associated hospitalized cases. If you think this applies to your country/population, you may choose an expansion factor to help the tool correct for underdetected and/or underreported hospitalized cases. You can choose to have no expansion factor, use the default expansion factor derived from peer-reviewed literature or apply your own custom expansion factors.   

Custom hospitalized case underdetection expansion factor

You believe your hospitalized case estimates are underestimates; to correct for this, please enter your custom expansions factors by age group here.

For example, if you determine that there are likely 2 influenza-associated hospitalized cases for every 1 hospitalized case recognized by surveillance in each age group, you would enter a “2.0” for each age group. You can also vary your expansion factor by age group, based on your country/population context. All age group fields must be filled in.

How many influenza-related deaths occur in your population by age group?

To continue, please enter your population’s number of influenza-associated deaths by age group. All age group fields must be filled in.

If you do not know your country’s death numbers, you can check if they have been reported via surveillance to your national public health agency's website. You may also enter your own estimates (see FAQs for more suggestions). 

Do you think your country’s estimates of influenza-related deaths are underestimates?

National mortality surveillance systems may not fully detect all influenza-associated deaths, due to underdetection and/or underreporting. If you think this applies to your population, you may choose an expansion factor to help the tool adjust for unrecognized in-hospital and out-of-hospital deaths. You can choose to have no expansion factor, use the default expansion factor derived from peer-reviewed literature or apply your own custom expansion factors.   

Custom Deaths Underdetection Expansion Factors

You have chosen to apply your own custom multiplier to calculate the number of influenza-associated deaths. Please enter values by age group here.

For example, if your country has limited influenza diagnostic testing capacities, you might estimate that there are 2 influenza-associated hospitalized cases for every 1 case detected by surveillance in each age group. In that case, you would enter a “2.0” for each age group. You can also vary your expansion factor by age group. All age group fields must be filled in. Entering these factors allows the tool to provide you influenza-associated death estimates closer to the true burden compared to estimates produced by surveillance alone.  

Multiplier for mild/moderate cases

This tool applies a multiplier to calculate the number of mild/moderate influenza cases (including both medically attended nonhospitalized and unattended mild/moderate cases). You can choose to use the default multiplier derived from peer-reviewed literature or apply your own custom multiplier.  

Custom multiplier for mild/moderate cases

You have chosen to apply your own custom multiplier to calculate the number of mild/moderate cases. Please enter values by age group here.

For example, if you estimate that there are 300 mild/moderate cases (including medically attended nonhospitalized and medically unattended mild/moderate cases) for every 1 hospitalized case for children under the age of 5 years, you would enter 300 for the under 5 age group. All age group fields must be filled in.  



Deathstooltip2: {{ :number }}
Range: {{ deaths.from :number }} to {{ :number }}
Total Hospitalizedtooltip2: {{ :number }}
Range: {{ hospitalized.from :number }} to {{ :number }}

Critical Casestooltip2: {{ :number }}
Range: {{ critical.from :number }} to {{ :number }}
Mild/Moderate Casestooltip2: {{ :number }}
Range: {{ mild.from :number }} to {{ :number }}
Country: {{ }}
Season: {{ overview.season :label(seasons) }}
Predominant Influenza Strains: {{ @if overview.strain_data }} {{ overview.strain_data.AH1N1 :percent(2,1) }} AH1N1(2009), {{ overview.strain_data.AH3 :percent(2,1) }} AH3, {{ overview.strain_data.AH5 :percent(2,1) }} AH5, {{ overview.strain_data.AH7N9 :percent(2,1) }} AH7N9, {{ overview.strain_data.A_NOT_SUB_TYPED :percent(2,1) }} A notsubtyped, {{ overview.strain_data.B_VICTORIA :percent(2,1) }} B Victoria, {{ overview.strain_data.B_YAMAGATA :percent(2,1) }} B Yamagata, {{ overview.strain_data.B_LINEAGE_NOT_DETERMINED :percent(2,1) }} B lineage not determined {{ @else }} N/A {{ @endif }}

Summary of Influenza Burden Estimated Results

Uncertainty range
Country/Jurisdiction Population {{ overview.population :number }}
Total Symptomatic Cases {{ :number }} {{ symptomatic.from :number }} to {{ :number }}
Symptomatic Cases Per 100k Population {{ symptomatic.total_100k :number }} {{ symptomatic.from_100k :number }} to {{ symptomatic.to_100k :number }}
Hospitalized Cases Per 100k Population {{ hospitalized.total_100k :number }} {{ hospitalized.from_100k :number }} to {{ hospitalized.to_100k :number }}
Deaths Per 100k Population {{ deaths.total_100k :number }} {{ deaths.from_100k :number }} to {{ deaths.to_100k :number }}
CFR {{ overview.cfr :percent }}

Estimated Influenza Cases and Deaths by Age Group and Pyramid Level

  0-4 5-14 15-49 50-64 65 and over Total
Deaths By Age Group {{ age_groups.deaths[0] :number }} {{ age_groups.deaths[1] :number }} {{ age_groups.deaths[2] :number }} {{ age_groups.deaths[3] :number }} {{ age_groups.deaths[4] :number }} {{ age_groups.deaths[5] :number }}
Critically Ill Cases by Age Group {{ age_groups.critical[0] :number }} {{ age_groups.critical[1] :number }} {{ age_groups.critical[2] :number }} {{ age_groups.critical[3] :number }} {{ age_groups.critical[4] :number }} {{ age_groups.critical[5] :number }}
Hospitalized Cases by Age Group {{ age_groups.hospitalized[0] :number }} {{ age_groups.hospitalized[1] :number }} {{ age_groups.hospitalized[2] :number }} {{ age_groups.hospitalized[3] :number }} {{ age_groups.hospitalized[4] :number }} {{ age_groups.hospitalized[5] :number }}
Mild/Moderate Cases by Age Group {{ age_groups.mild[0] :number }} {{ age_groups.mild[1] :number }} {{ age_groups.mild[2] :number }} {{ age_groups.mild[3] :number }} {{ age_groups.mild[4] :number }} {{ age_groups.mild[5] :number }}

Estimated Influenza Deaths by Syndrome

  # of Deaths % of all Deaths
Respiratory Deaths {{ syndromes.respiratory :number }} {{ syndromes.respiratory_all :percent }}
Circulatory Deaths {{ syndromes.circulatory :number }} {{ syndromes.circulatory_all :percent }}
Other Non-Respiratory, Non-Circulatory Deaths {{ syndromes.other :number }} {{ syndromes.other_all :percent }}

What is the Sensitivity Table?

A sensitivity table shows how results change if a single assumption about disease severity is altered.

The tables below show how a different assumption about mild/moderate cases, deaths, and critical cases, respectively, can change the tool’s estimates, and show the possible ranges of results per assumption.  

Current assumptions

Influenza Burden Results When the Average Mild/Moderate Multiplier is Variedtooltip2

Mild/Moderate % of Symptomatic Cases {{ sensitivity.mild_range[0] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_range[1] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_range[2] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_range[3] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_range[4] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_range[5] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_range[6] :percent }}
Mild/Moderate Multiplier {{ sensitivity.mild_multiplier[0] :multiplier }} {{ sensitivity.mild_multiplier[1] :multiplier }} {{ sensitivity.mild_multiplier[2] :multiplier }} {{ sensitivity.mild_multiplier[3] :multiplier }} {{ sensitivity.mild_multiplier[4] :multiplier }} {{ sensitivity.mild_multiplier[5] :multiplier }} {{ sensitivity.mild_multiplier[6] :multiplier }}
Mild/Moderate Cases {{ sensitivity.mild_cases[0] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cases[1] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cases[2] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cases[3] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cases[4] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cases[5] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cases[6] :number }}
Total Symptomatic Cases {{ sensitivity.mild_symptomatic[0] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_symptomatic[1] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_symptomatic[2] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_symptomatic[3] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_symptomatic[4] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_symptomatic[5] :number }} {{ sensitivity.mild_symptomatic[6] :number }}
Total Deaths {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }}
CFR {{ sensitivity.mild_cfr[0] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cfr[1] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cfr[2] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cfr[3] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cfr[4] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cfr[5] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.mild_cfr[6] :percent }}

Influenza Burden Results When the Average Deaths Multiplier is Variedtooltip2

Deaths as a % of Hospitalized Cases {{ sensitivity.deaths_range[0] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_range[1] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_range[2] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_range[3] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_range[4] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_range[5] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_range[6] :percent }}
Total Hospitalizations {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }}
Total Deaths {{ sensitivity.deaths_totals[0] :number }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_totals[1] :number }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_totals[2] :number }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_totals[3] :number }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_totals[4] :number }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_totals[5] :number }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_totals[6] :number }}
Total Symptomatic Cases {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }}
CFR {{ sensitivity.deaths_cfr[0] :percent(3) }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_cfr[1] :percent(3) }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_cfr[2] :percent(3) }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_cfr[3] :percent(3) }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_cfr[4] :percent(3) }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_cfr[5] :percent(3) }} {{ sensitivity.deaths_cfr[6] :percent(3) }}

Influenza Burden Results When the Average Critical Illness Multiplier is Variedtooltip2

Critical Cases as % of Hospitalizations {{ sensitivity.critial_range[0] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.critial_range[1] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.critial_range[2] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.critial_range[3] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.critial_range[4] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.critial_range[5] :percent }} {{ sensitivity.critial_range[6] :percent }}
Total Hospitalizations {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }} {{ :number }}
Total Critically Ill Cases {{ sensitivity.critical_cases[0] :number }} {{ sensitivity.critical_cases[1] :number }} {{ sensitivity.critical_cases[2] :number }} {{ sensitivity.critical_cases[3] :number }} {{ sensitivity.critical_cases[4] :number }} {{ sensitivity.critical_cases[5] :number }} {{ sensitivity.critical_cases[6] :number }}

How to interpret and use these results

This tool aims to help national stakeholders better estimate the magnitude of influenza burden in their country. These estimates, in turn, can help country-level policymakers and leaders make informed decisions about influenza-related interventions, including surveillance, vaccine manufacturing, and vaccination planning, based on their population’s needs.

The results of this tool can be used to:

  • Estimate the magnitude of influenza-associated mild/moderate cases, hospitalizations, critical cases, and deaths in a country
  • Observe how influenza burden may differ by age group across a country’s population
  • Compare the estimated impact of seasonal flu to other diseases and public health problems in a country
  • Serve as a key data point in country-level policy and program discussions about reducing influenza burden
  • Explore how influenza burden changes if assumptions about severity and completeness of surveillance are changed

This tool provides evidence-based estimates for cases and deaths and is not a replacement for influenza surveillance and testing. It is not a definitive answer to influenza burden of disease nor a prediction of future influenza seasons.